What time of month is cheapest to move?

Usually, the cheapest time to move is during the week, at the beginning of the month, and during the low season, from October to April. Some moving companies lower their rates at this time or offer offers and incentives, as demand is usually lower.

What time of month is cheapest to move?

Usually, the cheapest time to move is during the week, at the beginning of the month, and during the low season, from October to April. Some moving companies lower their rates at this time or offer offers and incentives, as demand is usually lower. If you define it as “best by cost”, in general terms, you're more likely to save on a move between the end of September and April. Demand for removals usually decreases during this period and rates are low.

According to several moving professionals, the peak moving season extends from Memorial Day to Labor Day weekend, and approximately 70 percent of all moves are made in the spring and summer. The reason for this? Families with children tend to move during the summer months to avoid any hassles during the school year. It's also easier to get around in spring and summer, when the weather is ideal. Plan your move to take place in the middle of the month to get the lowest prices.

The beginning and end of the month are usually the busiest times for moving companies, as many leases expire at the beginning of the month.

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